Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Steep Stairs Team 2011

Grand total for team “STEEP STAIRS” is  $2783.00 in on-line donations - Impressive!!  Looks like we made#3 on the list for top online fundraising teams in Fredericton... Interesting to see what our total will be with the Offline Donations added in!

It started out a bit chilly but the rain held off and we all walked/ran/wagon'd the 5 KM and helped raise over $30 Million across Canada!!

Da' Crew !!! (left to right)

Back Row: Jill Isherwood, Angela D'Entremont, Trish Gill, Jeanne Sayre,  Natasha Ashfield
Fourth Row: Nadine Chiasson, Betty Ann Taylor, Cara Scott, Trisha Fournier-Hoyt
Third Row: MaryBeth Nicholson, Christina Collins, Stacie Taylor,  Suzanne Osborne
Second Row: Laura Pugh, Jordan Collins (4yrs), Anna Osborne (4yrs),  Scotty Steeves (4 yrs), Stephanie Steeves, Tiffany Yerxa
First Row: Tania Bubar (Far left), Trina Partington (Far Right)

Team Members Missing from photo - Sheri Kinney, Mindi Schenkels, Tammy Scott, Gregor Wilson


  1. Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind
    even. See the link below for more info.


  2. I love your blog. Keep it up.


